General Information

Welcome to Graduate Program in Biotechnology (PPGBIOTEC) at Ufes

  • Computer techniques applied to the processing of biological signals (muscular signals - sEMG, potential cortico-retina: electrooculographic signals - EOG, brain signals - EEG and temperature signals by dilation of the blood vessels of the skin). Upper limb myoelectric prosthesis (sEMG); Rehabilitation robotics; Robotic walker driven by motor intention (EEG signals); Robotic telepresence (EEG signals); Robot interaction with children with autism (EEG and facial flushing). Development of new routes of synthesis of metallic nanoparticles for biomedical application as diagnostic sensors for organic molecules, drug loading and antigens, as well as antibacterial treatment.

  • Determination of population genetic variations in human diseases. Evaluation of the applicability of biomarkers of prognosis and biological tumor behavior in malignant neoplasias, integrating the basic research to clinical research applied to the resolution of current clinical problems. Use of clinical, laboratory, anatomopathological and imaging resources for the knowledge of the pathophysiological mechanisms and therapeutics of chronic, neoplastic and infectious diseases. Analysis of gene expression, using varied and innovative tools, with the purpose of implementing processes and services that can be applied in the public health system. Biochemical and immunopathological changes due to contact or exposure to chemical and biological agents. The study of this line addresses the use of new technologies, such as high performance sequencing, use of DNA and RNA hybrids probes, immunohistochemistry, flow cytometry, time PCR Real, among others, to investigate genomic, proteomic and metabolomic alterations related to the various clinical manifestations of human diseases.

  • Establish and validate new epidemiological and laboratory diagnostic markers, including genomic, transcriptomic and epigenetic studies in several genetic, metabolic, infectious and neoplastic diseases. Biochemical, serological and molecular characterization of microorganisms; Evaluation of antimicrobial properties in extracts of plant and animal origin; Identification of antigens for use in vaccines and diagnosis; Molecular markers of infections and neoplasias. Development of new therapies for ischemic diseases through the use of stem cells and cell growth factors in experimental models, as well as the reconstruction of in vitro organs for transplantation.

  • Prospecting, identification, development and applications of genes and biological functions that promote tolerance to abiotic and biotic stresses and elimination of phytopathogens and contaminants in food. Identification, structural and functional characterization of new molecules to increase the production capacity of biologically based products with low environmental impact. Adaptation and development of bioinformatics in support of synthetic biology, biosimulation, bioprospecting and advanced manufacturing based on biologically based knowledge.

  • Integrative analysis of the databases of advanced biology (interaction between genes, protein and metabolism) strengthening the systems biology focused on promoting productivity and sustainability in the biotechnological sectors of agribusiness. Domain of engineering processes of the genetic function and its use in the modification and modulation of biological systems. Molecular diagnosis of phytopathogens.

Biotechnology involves the use of microbiological processes, living organisms, and biosystems to produce new practices and products that improve the quality of human life. From cultured food to the medicines we buy and interactions with the environment, biotechnology affects many facets of our daily lives.

The Graduate Program in Biotechnology (PPGBIOTEC) has as its main objective to train high-level human resources with a solid scientific base and at the same time with an interest in technological development, encouraging entrepreneurship and Intellectual Property actions. Its main characteristic is to act in the development and applicability of biotechnological products and processes, including the transfer of technology to the productive sectors in the areas of Biotechnology for Agricultural business and Biotechnology for Health.

The program has its headquarters in Vitória-ES, offering a Master's course of Biotechnology since 2007 and a Doctorate course in Biotechnology since 2016. The PPGBIOTEC maintains an academic qualification profile attested by CAPES.


Applicants must have a bachelor's or bachelor's degree in science. This must be a Brazilian degree in Biosciences, Biotechnology or in the area of physics, life sciences, health or computer sciences. In case of a foreign diploma, it must have been recognized by an equivalent in Brazil.


The minimum requirement for admission to the doctoral program is the title of Master related to the lines of research of Biotechnology and with the projects coordinated by the potential supervising professor.

The Program works with annual admission for the Master's and Phd degree. The selection process begins at the end of the second semester of each year for admission in March of the following year. The data on the requirements and date of registration, tests, vacancies, and other aspects related to the selection process are disclosed in specific notices available on the Program website.

Post -doctorate internship

The hiring process has a continuous flow and depends on the availability of scholarships granted by the Development Agencies.
Candidates need to present research projects focused on the discovery and development of new processes or products in the area of Biotechnology. As part of a diverse and interdisciplinary team, the candidate will participate in laboratory, field and computational activities. The postdoctoral internship is one year and can be renewed.


The program has scholarships from different sources. Depending on the availability of scholarships and classification in the selection process the candidate may be contemplated.

Therefore, the objectives of the Graduate Program in Biotechnology (PPGBIOTEC) are in line with the effort of the Brazilian government to train professionals with possibilities to manage their own business. The strategy of PPGBIOTEC is, together with the increase in the production of scientific articles, to increase the number of patents filed by professors and students; working synergistically with the Institute of Technological Innovation of UFES in the transfer of this technology to the sector.

The program is based in Vitória-ES, offering the course of Master's degree in biotechnology since 2007 e the course of Doctorate in biotechnology since 2016 and has an academic qualification profile certified by CAPES, receiving 5 on its last evaluation.

The program already has 229 masters and 54 doctors and counts with 48 students regularly enrolled, being 24 in the masters and 24 in the doctorate.

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© 2013 Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo. Todos os direitos reservados.
Av. Marechal Campos, 1468 - Bonfim, Vitória - ES | CEP 29047-105