Program historical
The Graduate Program in Biotechnology, master's level of UFES began its operation on December 21, 2006 and was approved by the CNE (Port. MEC 1077, of 08/31/2012), having graduated its first master on December 8, 2008. In its first evaluation, in the period 2007-2009, it received grade 3 and "Regular" concept. In the items Program Proposal, faculty and social insertion was considered "Good", while in the questions student body, theses and dissertations, intellectual production, it was conceptualized as "Regular". Having in the evaluation in question the weak and deficient points pointed out by CAPES the improvement of scientific production, significant increase in the participation of students as authors and increase the generation of patents and obtaining technological products.
Based on this recommendation, the program began a restructuring process, the results of which could be observed in the following evaluation (2010-2012 period), in which the program received a "Good" concept in all the items evaluated by CAPES, raising the program's score to 4. We can also highlight that the program received a "Very Good" concept in the sub-items of evaluation: infrastructure for teaching and research, profile of the faculty, efficiency of the program in the training of masters, qualified publications in the program by permanent professor and, technical production, patents and other productions considered relevant. In the text of the evaluation itself, it was described that "The Program presented an improvement in practically all the sub-items of the faculty, student body and dissertations, intellectual production and social insertion in relation to the previous triennium, with emphasis on the increase in scientific and, mainly, technological production and a better qualification and distribution of research and training activities among the professors of the Program".
In the four-year evaluation 2013-2016, PPGBIOTEC received Concept 5 from CAPES, being qualified in the position of number 21 in a total of 45 programs, showing that PPGBiotec has maintained a consistent growth since its inception.
In the quadrennial 2017-2020 the PPGBIOTEC had its first PhD classes titled, showing the consolidation of the Program with maintenance of CAPES concept 5.
The professors of the program have developed research projects in the areas of health and agribusiness, with great potential to raise funds from government development agencies and cooperative projects with private sector companies.
In these years of operation of the program, the faculty trained masters and doctors and contributed to the increase of the technical-scientific production of Espírito Santo, in addition to having developed several projects in partnership with companies, achieving prominence in the State of Espírito Santo as a training institution of professionals inserted in the most diverse productive sectors of health and agribusiness, as well as in HEIs, being recognized as responsible for a highly qualified training.
Graduates and enrolled:The program already has 230 masters and 55 doctors and counts with 46 students regularly enrolled, being 23 in the masters and 23 in the doctorate.
Name of the coordinators and assistants-coordinators:
Period: 2025-2026
Coordinator: Eldamaria de Vargas Wolfgramm dos Santos
Deputy Coordinator: Flavia de Paula
Period: 2023-2024
Coordinator: Flavia de Paula
Deputy Coordinator: Eldamaria de Vargas Wolfgramm dos Santos
Period: 2022-2023
Coordinator: Adriana Madeira Álvares da Silva
Deputy Coordinator: Flavia de Paula
Period: 2018-2021
Coordinator: Sandra Ventorin von Zeidler
Deputy Coordinator: Daniel Claúdio de Oliveira Gomes
Period: 2016/2-2018/02
Coordinator: Sandra Ventorin von Zeidler
Deputy Coordinator: Daniel Claúdio de Oliveira Gomes
Period: 2016/1-2016/2
Coordinator: Sandra Ventorin von Zeidler
Assistant Coordinator: Breno Valentim Nogueira
Period: 2016
Coordinator: Patricia Machado Bueno Fernandes
Deputy Coordinator: Sandra Ventorin von Zeidler
Period: 2014-2015
Coordinator: Patricia Machado Bueno Fernandes
Deputy Coordinator: Sandra Ventorin von Zeidler
Period: 2013-2014
Coordinator: Patricia Machado Bueno Fernandes
Deputy Coordinator: Sandra Ventorin von Zeidler
Period: 2011-2012
Coordinator: Patricia Machado Bueno Fernandes
Assistant Coordinator: Ágata Lages Gava
Program report of the CAPES mark:
2017-2020 Concept: 5
2013-2016 Concept: 5
2010-2012 Concept: 4
2007-2009 Concept: 3