STUDY Of Electromyographic Patterns Of
erector Spinae And Lower-limb Muscles
during Different Modalities Of Gait In
post-stroke Individuals

Tipo: Tese de doutorado
Data de publicação: 19/02/2019

Nomeordem decrescente Papel


Nomeordem decrescente Papel


Resumo: Stroke is one of the leading causes of motor disability in the world. New technologies
have been developed to increase efficiency and reduce costs of rehabilitation of poststroke
individuals. Objective: To compare electromyographic patterns related to
muscle onset/offset, duration of activation and analysis of neuromuscular fatigue of
erector spinae (ES) and lower-limb muscles during different modalities of gait in poststroke
and healthy individuals. Methodology: The changes in the median frequency
(MDF) was analyzed during isometric tasks and walking on a treadmill in healthy
individuals (N = 10) to identify fatigue. Ten post-stroke and 30 healthy subjects
participated of the second stage of the study, in which ES and three lower-limb
muscles were analyzed during different gaits (walking on treadmill and ground, with
and without arm swing, and using a walker), with the neuromuscular fatigue analyzed
in stroke gait. Muscle analysis was also conducted with two post-stroke subjects
while using the UFES’s robotic walker. Results: For the healthy subjects, all the
lower-limb muscles showed reduction in their MDF during walking on treadmill.
Walking on treadmill had a stronger influence on the onset/offset muscles than the
arm swing in the healthy individuals. For post-stroke subjects, their ES muscles
presented a similar pattern to the healthy subjects, but the contralateral side had
longer activation near the toe-off than the ipsilateral side in both gaits. All the
observed changes in the activation for each phase indicated a longer duration of
activation of the post-stroke subjects. Regarding neuromuscular fatigue, it was not
possible to detect reduced MDF values for post-stroke individuals. The use of the
UFES’s robotic walker improved the symmetry of one post-stroke subject, and the
symmetry of duration of activation in the swing phase for all muscles of the other
subject. Conclusion: MDF changes were detected in non-strenuous exercises in
healthy subjects. ES muscle activation is not influenced by arm swing in healthy
individuals, with the same behavior in post-stroke individuals. As a finding of this
research, we concluded that trunk muscles can be used in rehabilitation processes
and also to control robotic devices for assistance or rehabilitation.

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